How to NOT Melt Your Shoes in the Dryer

Does it sound weird to talk about shoes melting in the dryer? I would have thought so, too–if, Monday morning, that isn’t exactly what happened. It rained Sunday. A cold, brisk rain that says fall has definitely arrived. It was 7 p.m. when my son indicated...

Choosing a Replacement Toilet Seat

One of the toilet seats in my house has been asking to be replaced for quite some time now. But when the second one broke, I knew the time had come to take action–unless we wanted to start using the back yard for reasons other than it was intended. Before you...

List Free Auctions on Ebay Through December 2010

From September 28 through January 7, Ebay is allowing people to list their auction items for free, regardless of the starting price for which you’d like to list your item. Normally, Ebay charges a scaled listing price based on the starting price of the...

Buy Halloween Costumes Online—the Smart Way

When it comes to buying a Halloween costume, our options are much greater than they were in years past. In the 1980s, buying a Halloween costume meant choosing one square box from the dozen or so on the shelf at the local drug store . You’d get a flimsy molded...