by Nindo Mom | Nov 21, 2010 | Blog and Website Promotion, Make Money
When I first started blogging about a year ago, I started up a free Google Blogger account. It was pretty easy, even though I’d never done anything like that before. However, at the time, the only way we were permitted to monetize our blogs was with...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 20, 2010 | Get Inspired!, Work
We all know the holidays can be pretty exhausting. But for many, that’s not the end of it–not by a long shot. But tiredness during the day is part of the normal grind for many people. There are many reasons this can happen, such as: not enough sleep (OK,...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 18, 2010 | Blog and Website Promotion, Make Money
I came across a good idea for bloggers or webmasters to increase traffic to their website. And it’s an idea I hadn’t heard about specifically before. One of the more commonly known methods for promoting your blog or website is to be active in social...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 17, 2010 | Food
I’ve been in the mood for savory foods more frequently since the weather has been getting colder. A nice lean beef stew is truly delicious–the only problem is that lean beef stew is impossible to come by in stores–in fact, it’s nearly...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 16, 2010 | Work
I just found out about the Amazon Vine Program earlier this week. It was by accident, really–I was going through some book reviews on Amazon’s website and came across one from a reviewer with the words “Amazon Vine Member” next to their name in...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 15, 2010 | Entrees and Main Courses, Holiday, Recipes
This Best Cold Pasta Salad recipe is the perfect blend of healthiness and tastiness, and is a great recipe you can throw together quickly for those summer and fall get-togethers! With the holidays coming up and everything coming to a pinch, it seems like fast food is...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 14, 2010 | Holiday, Shopping
These days, retailers–both brick and mortar and online–begin holiday promotions well in advance of Black Friday, the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. I shop at both brick and mortar stores and online, excluding neither because each method...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 13, 2010 | Holiday, Ideas for Saving Money, Shopping, Smart Gift Shopping
Since the term “Black Friday” first appeared in 1966, holiday shoppers have been coming out in droves to get a jump on their Christmas shopping. Because so many people get the day after Thanksgiving off from their jobs, they have even more time to...