by Nindo Mom | Dec 8, 2010 | Holiday, Just for Fun
As the holidays draw ever closer, the pressure is on to hurry up and get so many things done. Buying gifts, making vacation arrangements, requesting time off from work, attending holiday plays or concerts at their children’s school, making cookies, planning...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 7, 2010 | Book Reviews
I, Emma Freke is a middle-grade novel by author Elizabeth Atkinson. It was released in August 2010 by Carolrhoda Books, an imprint of Lerner Publishing. Summary Smart, shy, and nearly six feet tall, Emma Freke is only 12 years old. She hates her appearance, and she...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 6, 2010 | Smart Gift Shopping
With just a little more than two weeks until Christmas, many people have already finished buying all their gifts. But for everyone else, there are a few things you should keep in mind when shopping. I developed this list when considering shopping for my son, but the...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 6, 2010 | Just for Fun, Kids
For anyone not familiar with the franchise, Naruto is the name of the main character and the title of a Manga (Japanese comic novel) and animated television series in Japan. The story and illustrations are both done by Masashi Kishimoto, who’s Naruto manga was...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 5, 2010 | Dessert Recipes, Holiday
I heard about Rice Cream on a Food Network program feature foods served at Disney World. This delectable treat looked and sounded so delicious, I had to try it for myself. But since I’m not planning a trip to Disney World anytime soon, I decided to do some...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 3, 2010 | Product Reviews, Smart Gift Shopping
My Hunt for the Xbox 360 with 250 GB Hard Drive Eager to find an Xbox 360 (with 250 GB hard drive) with Kinect for my 10-year-old son this Christmas, it seems my search was to be thwarted at every turn. Before Black Friday hit, had the Xbox I wanted in...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 1, 2010 | Book Reviews
I have read all of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books thus far written by Jeff Kinney. The Ugly Truth is the fifth book in the series, and was released November 9, 2010. Once again, the line-drawn Greg Heffley amuses with his unique perspective on the world. Adults...
by Nindo Mom | Nov 30, 2010 | Shopping, Smart Gift Shopping
And the answer is . . . (drum roll, please) . . . any Xbox 360 console will work with Kinect, according to Microsoft. And that’s great news for anyone who already has an Xbox 360. The only Xbox console my family owns is the one we picked up on Ebay a few months...