by Nindo Mom | Dec 18, 2010 | Shopping, Shopping Smart on Amazon
If you buy items from–which I do all the time–you may have noticed that some items are marked “frustration-free packaging” in Amazon’s listing. Here is what Amazon says about their frustration-free packaging on their website:...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 16, 2010 | Household Hints
According to an article published on The New York Times website, The National Weather Service is strongly recommending that property owners and builders “clear rooftops, awnings, and overhangs of snow ASAP, to avoid potential collapses” before an impending...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 15, 2010 | Anime Stuff, Just for Fun
Naruto episodes can be subbed or dubbed, or they can be both. With its not-so-humble beginnings in the Shonen Jump Manga, Naruto is an anime created in Japan–in other words, a Japanese cartoon. Since Naruto is both written and animated in Japan, the character...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 13, 2010 | Just for Fun
My son and I both get pretty frustrated–to put it lightly–when a favorite TV program is canceled. It happened recently with the television series Heroes. The previous season had left audiences hanging on the edge of an appropriate cliffhanger–but...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 12, 2010 | Dessert Recipes, Holiday
Real gingerbread is not a cookie—it’s a delicious and moist spiced bread that’s quite a bit healthier than other cakes or bread you typically see. It’s made with real molasses, cloves, and cinnamon, and is both flavorful and filling. And homemade...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 11, 2010 | Book Reviews
The first novel in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, written by author Jeff Kinney, was first published in 2007. Since then, it has become one of the most popular series for kids ages 9-12, and has appeared on the New York Times bestsellers lists for 99 weeks now. With...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 11, 2010 | Anime Stuff, Smart Gift Shopping
1. Drawing SetA love of manga such as Naruto can inspire fans to try their hand at sketching, themselves. Sometimes, it’s fun to try to duplicate their favorite Naruto characters. (This is sometimes called “fan art.”) Or, new artists inspired by...
by Nindo Mom | Dec 9, 2010 | Anime Stuff, Smart Gift Shopping
Genuine Naruto SoundtrackThe music used in the Naruto television series is both distinctive and emotionally moving. Although difficult to find, these soundtracks are truly beautiful works of audible art. Assuming you buy the genuine soundtrack and not a...