by Nindo Mom | Feb 2, 2011 | Make Money, Work
Sometimes, bills can just creep up on you. Maybe you’ve had a special event in your life that’s been extra-hard on your pocketbook. These kinds of events could include the birth of a child, a wedding, someone in the family attending college classes,...
by Nindo Mom | Feb 1, 2011 | Food
According to the CNN report Federal Dietary Guidelines Target Salt, Saturated Fats, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that: “. . . people over age 51, African-Americans and people with a history of hypertension, diabetes or kidney problems...
by Nindo Mom | Jan 31, 2011 | Make Money
Why My Ebay Listings Weren’t Coming Out Free On numerous occasions during Ebay’s free listing promotion, I would try to post a listing, but it wouldn’t come out free. After much hair-pulling, I figured out this was only happening when I was trying to...
by Nindo Mom | Jan 31, 2011 | Entrees and Main Courses, Recipes
This is the first time I’ve revealed my secret ingredient meatloaf recipe — try it out, and your family will be sure to enjoy! Veggies and whole grains in this recipe help this meatloaf really pack a nutritional punch, as well as being delicious. And...
by Nindo Mom | Jan 30, 2011 | Food, Interesting News
This post is a follow-up to my previous post on the Taco Bell controversy. If you take a look at photos of a Taco Bell Taco Meat Filling packaging, you’ll notice that the product in question is called Taco Meat Filling. And the ingredients listed right there on...
by Nindo Mom | Jan 30, 2011 | Make Money
The poor economy has actually provided many with the incentive they needed to reinvent themselves–in ways they never thought possible before their finances hit rock-bottom. Many people rose up to start their own businesses: and you can, too. If you have a...
by Nindo Mom | Jan 27, 2011 | Holiday, Just for Fun
When is the Chinese New Year in 2011? February 3 2011 is the beginning of the new year for the Chinese–specifically, it’s the start of the Year of the Rabbit. Reasons to Celebrate the Chinese New Year Even if you don’t happen to have any Chinese...
by Nindo Mom | Jan 26, 2011 | Make Money
If you’re like most people I know, you love to make money by listing items on Ebay, but you’re nervous that your item won’t sell and you’ll be stuck with the insertion fees. Insertion fees are higher for more expensive items; and even if...