According to a story I read today, we can.

Today, they published a story that said, according to laboratories, people should be able in make a significant increase increase in a chemical in the brain that stimulates the growth of new cells.

According to the article, things that we can do to stimulate brain cell development include:

  • Exercising
  • Eating a diet with a 30 percent reduction in calories
  • Consuming curcumin, the main active ingredient in the spice tumeric

One more BIG reason for eating sensibly and exercising!

This study supports what I’ve always felt in my gut–that the brain should have no more difficulty regenerating itself than any other part of the body. It’s alive, right? Still, it’s really exciting to see proof begin to come to light–to let me know that what made sense to me is beginning to be provable.

(To read the article where I first found out about this, visit The Huffington Post.)

Another article I read said that being relaxed helps improve memory. Anyone who has gone through a stressful week or holiday knows how it is to be flustered, and not at the top of one’s game–so this makes perfect sense, as well.

The most heartening thing about all this is that there’s something we can do to improve our memory and brain health, and these things are all naturally good for us, anyway (eating better, exercising, relaxing, eating spices known to be anti-oxidant rich, relaxing, etc.)